Thursday, November 12, 2009

dawn of the present

So, I am sitting here in Memorial Union (surprise surprise) at 7:01 a.m. Now, those who know me are thinking, "What is she doing up that early? How did she part with her pillow?" Well, the answer is, I neglected my pillow last night and decided to stay up all night. All NiGHTER WAHOO!! COLLLEGE!!! I sat in Pershing all night slaving over my psychology book when I would rather be salivating all over my pillow. Don't worry there is a point to this...I think. There might be. I plead the sleep deprived excuse if this is absolutely idiotic. Anyways, as I stuttered out of Pershing at 6 in the morning, all I could think of was to get to Memorial as fast as I could because 1. it was FREEZING 2. I was tired and 3. did I mention HOW COLD IT WAS!? For some reason, maybe because I was slightly delirious, I started to ponder over where I was going in my life. What I had to do. Take notice that all is said in a future tense. The Lord really brought this to my view as I walked, teeth chattering, to Memorial. I have been looking to the future waaaay to much. Gotta get my Gpa up (future). Gotta study abroad (future). Have to do well on this test (usually tests, FUTURE). I have turned into one of this rushing through life sort of persons! I have constantly looked to what I HAVE to do, forgetting that I need to dwell in the present as well. I feel that God is present. I mean I say this because of course He will and forever be in the future. However, we can't ever plan God. We can't plan what He will do, what He SHOULD do. We can only look at the now with the Lord. That is what I mean He is a present God. In looking into the future, I have failed to focus on what KNOWS the future...the Lord. UHHH HELLOOO SAMANTHA!!!! WATCHAAA DOING??!!! Yeah that was basically what my head screamed. It could have been God but I like to think that He would be more quiet. haha! Oh and after this wonderful epiphany of a moment, God asked me to the middle of Lowry. Yeeeaaaahhhh...did I mention that our God is a mysterious God? So I mean who am I to say no to the Being who CREATED the world. Yep, I danced amid a backdrop of the beautiful purple and pink sunrise. I think I felt angels dancing too. :) Now, the dancing wasn't David-dance-your-clothes-off kind of dancing. It was more of a sway and toe tap little ditty. Oh, the day when I won't feel self-conscious. Anyways, I hope there was a point. Oh, and I told God that He can dance with me at sunSET...I will NOT be getting up any time soon to dance with Him at sunrise. HEEECKKKK NOOO!!!!


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