Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Name Calling and Pointless Accusations

I am a Christian. 
I voted for Obama. 
Yes, I said it. I have my reasons just like you have your reasons to vote for whomever you voted for. When people find out that I have voted for Obama, I get all kinds of things thrown at me. I get "if you are Christian girl, you should not have voted for Obama" or "Your driving this nation into a socialist economy". BLAAAA! STOP! Do NOT even try to guilt trip me. My friend showed me this article written by Roxanne Wieman in Relevant Magazine. It was so good that I am inserting a portion of it here...
" Yes, we voted. But it's more than that. Through this election, we've become aware of the major social issues of our day. And now we want to do something about them. We recognize an elction will not change everything. We do not rest our hopes for change on a political party or candidate. We vote, we hope, but we don't stop there. Tomorrow and the next day and the next and in January when Obama takes office, we get up and we continue our sojourn to follow Jesus. We live our votes for life, for justice, for peace, for equality.

We comfort our friend who tells us she's considering abortion. Then we gently tell her why we believe life in the womb is precious. We help her find alternative options...and we stick by her side all through the pregnancy and birth and after. She is not a statistic or a faceless evil to us.

We love beyond racial, gender and sexual lines. We reject stereotypes. We embrace individuals. We work for reconciliation.

We do not talk about "that side of town," we live there and work there and mentor there. We are a part of educational reform, and ESL, and rehabilitation.

We recycle. We reduce our imprint. We consciously make our purchases, recognizing the global implications. We strive to 'live simply that others may simply live' (Ghandi).

We personally pray for our soldiers in Iraq, for the citizens of Iraq, for our leaders who are making tough decisions that affect millions of lives. We really do pray, and we believe our prayers matter.

We continue to work hard in the jobs God has given us, saving our money and stewarding our resources. We tithe. We donate. We volunteer.

We continually challenge each other to deepen our understanding of whole life ethics and Jesus' call to follow Him.

I believe this is who WE are. I believe this is who YOU are. I believe we can be the change we've voted for-- no matter who we voted for."

I really suggest that you share this with others and maybe even check out the relevant magazine website:

1 comment:

Ruth Richards said...

Amen, Sister Sam. I loved your "credo" and support you in your prayerful journey. This is your Aunt Ruth in Tulsa. I too voted for Obama because I believe this young man can lift us out of ourselves, calling us to be the better people we know exists inside. I believe he will be able to assemble a cabinet of wise women and men to tackle the terrible problems our dear country faces. In the meantime, we must keep the faith and live the life for heaven is here on earth, found in the love between mother and child, the hugs between friends, the tears caused by beauty, and the laughter wherever. Keep the faith. -Rufie