For those who don't know me, I am THAT girl who wears bows in her hair and loves to wear bright colors and have heart earrings dangling from her ears. If I was to be classified under a term, I would be labeled "cute". I've heard every single compliment ending with the word. Because the word is applied to me so much, I decided to look the word up and it is defined as this:
Cute: Attractive in a pretty or endearing way..ex: a "cute" kitten
Okay so it is not that bad. Until you get to the example...cute kitten. I am labeled right along with a kitten. or a toddler wearing a bumble bee costume. or something small and "endearing". Ummmm... yeah not so much diggin the word now.
So for holloween, with the excuse to be anything that I am not, I dressed up as the opposite of me. The dark, mean side.

I scared alot of people. :) However, I absolutely loved it! I got to be somebody that people did not label as cute. I even got the term "sexy". HOW that is sexy I do not even know... For a night, in a weird creepy sort of way, I felt like a woman. Now, do not worry. I am not going to be starting this kind of trend any time soon. I only write this to make a point. How come it took wearing all black clothing and a spike earring to get different compliments? Being called cute scars my being able to see myself as a woman. I mean do not get me wrong, cute is still a compliment for me. However, there is also "Beautiful" or "Stunning". Maybe mix the pot up a little and try one of those. For, I am no longer "cute".
I am a young woman and
b e a u t i f u l I am.
1 comment:
How did I not know you have a blog? So cool! Now I'm going to read every post :) Thanks for writing and being real! I miss you and hope to see you when you come home for a break!!!
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