My roommate Rebecca Breanne Hughes has left the country and is now headed to Mexico for 6 months to study. I miss YOU my little otter lover!!! Life is going to be so different now. I wonder....
So, just a couple of weeks ago I learned that some of the Micah Boys were coming to the United States, to THE Stl just to clarify. They were not just any Micah Boys. Two of them are my closest guy friends. The third like my little brother. I have not seen these guys in two years and have had only facebook and numerous phone calls to keep in contact with them. Let me tell you...I was ecstatic, a little nervous as well. I mean I have not seen these guys in forever. I KNOW I have changed on the inside and out. That date that I was going to get to see them was circled on every calendar that I had, every person that I came in contact with I told, even my roommate was going to come with me to see them. She was excited for me because she knew how much I missed them. Then one day, I got a text. "They are not coming anymore. Couldn't get their VISA's". Disappointment warped my heart. In response, I did what I usually do when I'm upset. I buried it. I was in the middle of one hell of a week with school so I just pushed it out and concentrated on school. A day later, one of the people that I consider my "sister" called me. I knew what she wanted to talk about. You see, they were not ALL not coming. The one, my little brother, was. My two best guy friends were not. My "sister" was really close to the one that was. So, as I answered the phone I felt myself feeling mad, agitated, annoyed. Mad that she would call me to talk about it when she knew that my guy friends were not coming. Agitated just because. And annoyed of how inconsiderate she was of my feelings. I than stopped myself. If I was a user of the F word (which I am not) I would definitely used it right then and there. What the Heck! I have no right to feel this. Who am I to be annoyed with her happiness!? If I was in her position, I would be feeling the same way. The reality of my selfishness wrapped itself around my brain. Man, am I selfish! I feel that I forget how sinful I really am and how undeserving I am of God's love and grace. I appreciate these little slaps of reality. Bitter/Sweet appreciation that is. So, I guess you could say as sad as I am that my friends are not coming, God has used this...I found out something.I am selfish. really really really selfish.
Soooo, I am just going to say right off that you should be jealous of me. No, not because I have a amazingly beautiful physique OR because I have a gorgeous red ferrari in my driveway (none of which are true...well at least the ferrari anyways. ;) ) No, you should be jealous of me because I have absolutely awesome roommates. Awesome does not really cut what I mean though. I am going to go with "Schamzy" ( a k-kountry word that means way cooler then anything that has been dubbed cool). Now, you may have great roommates as well, but I am the only one who is blessed to live with THESE 3 ladies.
Anyways, I live with 3 girls in a cute little house that we have dubbed "The Villa". For being so completely opposite, we blend really well together. The clean, early nighters are upstairs and the messy, late nighters are downstairs (I go with the messy category). We all really only see each each other at night...mostly in the kitchen (the fact being that we all have the same stomach timers announcing that it is time to eat). However, somehow we manage to do everything together. So as you can see from the pictures upstairs, we have fun. I love them and I would say that they are considered my best friends in college.