UM YEAH! India. haha! Still wrapping my mind on that.
Okay so rewind. I have been having trouble again this semester concerning school. I just don't get why I am school. Yeah, yeah...I get the whole "having a diploma will open up doors" thing. I do! However, I feel like I am being dragged along rocks.
I found out that I will not be graduating in December as I thought. Long story to that in itself. This whole discovery made me think..well maybe I should take a year off. Go on the World Race in October (which almost ALL the countries are in Latin America...HEAVENLY CHORUS SINGING!), ya know? The only thing that was keeping me back was my k-life girls. Awhile back my roommate Courtney prophesied to me saying that God has me here for my girls. Now, I know that some of you may be IFFY on spiritual gifts. I believe them full heartedly, therefore, I believed what she was saying to me.
So, if I am here for my girls, why was I feeling myself pulled towards a break? Why did my contentment and motivation go down the drain?
I started to look into my options and also continually praying. I knew that the decision that I made (no matter what people though of it) it would be for the Lord.
I found some summer options. India, Nicaragua, and Bolivia. Of course, one would think that I would be naturally pulled to the Spanish speaking areas.
ERRR WRONG! India. Yeah, WHAT?! INDIA! India has never been on my radar. Neither has Asia! I prayed it over. God confirmed. India.
So...INDIA! I will be working with women who are rescued from prostitution, in the slums, AIDS patients, and orphans. 2 months. I will live in India for two months. Haha! I repeat because it still has not hit me.
The question that I have been getting...Am I excited?
Am I excited? Hmm...yes! Right now, I am a little numb to everything. I am still trying to finish this semester (which is SUPER busy) and also on top of that figuring out how to raise $4, 950 for this summer. This also is so unusual. so sudden. Oh God so unpredictable or what?!
This is really going to strengthen my faith in the Lord. Faith that He will bring in the money. that He will take care of me. I have always said I have a incredible faith. I just... have faith. Now, I say that with the deepest humility. I do not think I am better at the whole faith thing then the other person. This trip has especially revealed my doubts in the Lord. I don't doubt that He can do it. I know that He can do it but i don't believe that He can do it. I want to believe. I just have never seen it. I have never seen the Lord do the unimaginable. I have always heard about it. I am a very weak person indeed. :) However, God is working. I am excited because my faith will strengthen. He will reveal Himself in a way to me that will be with me for a lifetime. He's cool like that! teehee. Our God is a great God! Glory to His name!
YEP! Samantha Lou Owens is headed to India! Better be afraid Satan, because I have the Lord in me. You canNOT touch me. I am the daughter of the High King. I will proclaim His name wherever He sends me. And thats to India! haha. oh india.
1 comment:
I am so excited for what the Lord is going to do in your heart and how He is going to use you to touch the hearts of the people in India. He is faithful. He is good. And He will provide according to His good and perfect will.
"I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak...I will shepherd the flock with justice." Ezekiel 34: 16
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