my broken toe that I broke the first week of ministry. GO SAM!
So, I apologize to you whom I have not told about my experience in India. I realize that I have become reserved on speaking about the topic. Not because I had an awful time, but because I have no possible way of explaining everything that happened. When people ask me, "How was India?" everything rushes at me. Should I tell them about how the Lord totally destructed whom I was and how that left me totally and unreservedly in LOVE with Him? Or how about the dead man that I saw right outside my friends house in the slums? Or how women have almost no respect in India by men? Or about my little nursery kids that I fell in love with? How the hospitality in India is IMPECCABLE? Haha! Yes, there are many things from all over the emotional spectrum that come to mind. One of the questions that might be going through your mind I can put to rest right now. Yes. Yes, the cows DO walk everywhere. They also poop everywhere, which I particularly loved having their excrement all over my chacos. I cannot even TELL you how much I dreamed of eating one of those darn holy cows.
yes, even cows go to the beach.
Anyways, being back I have happily enjoyed eating one of them holy cows...with pig added. Of course, being without meat for 2 months, I had to get a mini burger.
Sorry about going on the tandem. NOW BACK! So, India was the hardest experience of my life. Like all hard challenges, it become the most life changing experience that I have ever had. In India, I realized my authority in Christ. I realized that I hear the voice of the Lord. I realized that I am truly FREE from my sin. I even got baptized in the Arabian Sea by my good friend Emily Starr WITH my other bestie Kari Collins. I met so many awesome people, drank tons of chai, and walked around soaked by the monsoon rain. :) So for those who want to ask me about India, please ask, but be prepared to have to ask some questions besides "How was India?". ha and sorry that this is so not organized. Meh...welcome to my life!