Today isn't just an ordinary day. It is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day! This subject, Human Trafficking, is very near and dear to my heart. I cry out for the 27.1 million people who are enslaved by human trafficking. They are slaves. They are treated no better then animals. They, daughters and sons of the Lord, are seen as things to be abused and used. Each year, 800,000 victims are smuggled into human trafficking. Women and children take up to 80% of that number! 161 out of 192 countries are involved with trafficking.
32 BILLION dollars are made each year. 32 BILLION DOLLARS!
What has our world gone to?
Little girls are being raped repeatedly by men. Women are being treated no better then dirt.
When did it become like this?
What justified that this is okay?
Our world is broken. Our world is shattered. Our world...more then ever...needs a Savior.
Our God is moving! He hears the cry of the broken! HE HEARS! He hears and he will answer...possibly through you.
I beseech you, do something about this! Don't just sit by and let this happen. These people, these beautiful wonderful creations of the Lord, are hopeless. They are completely and totally hopeless. Dwell on how it would feel to be hopeless. Have you ever truly been hopeless? The feeling of despair that would accompany that. Even if you are not a believer of God or even religious, I am talking to you as well. These people are human beings. They are seen as gems in the eyes of the Lord. I ask all to somehow, whether it is through prayer or even joining a club that raises awareness, do SOMETHING!
God is listening. He hears. He is just waiting to BURST OUT in all of His glory!
Our job as Christians and followers of Christ is to bring HOPE to the HOPELESS!
(where I got the stats... http://www.bible-knowledge.com/blog/index.php/2009/09/29/human-trafficking-statistics/ )