I am one of those people who, the day after Thanksgiving, scurries out of bed to turn on Christmas music. I dance around my room for hours, gayly singing and giggling and just being in the pure joy of the moment. Christmas is such a beautiful time of year! There is hot chocolate, snow, festive movies, jingle bells, warm cookies, ice skating, twinkly lights, bright eyes, snuggling by the fire. I feel that everything, even the most mundane of tasks, seems sunnier and happier at Christmas time. well, not everything. Finals still stink. :) HOWEVER, so many wonderful, glorious things have happened in these last few weeks of December. I feel that God has shown Himself this month a numerous amount of times whether it is from the simple things like the pine smell of Christmas trees to my awesome friends. Here are some main hits of awesomeness that has occured:
1. Finance. Fact: I was failing this class. I had to get a 82% on the final in order to pass. You might as well have told me that I needed to lasso the moon and pull it down. (yes, reference to It's a Wonderful Life). Thus, causing me to stress beyond belief. Anyways, so one of my friends, Max Anderson, asked me to go see the Mannheim Steamrollers play at Jesse with his family. Now, I know what most of you are thinking. It was not a date. It was a friend date! He knew how much I enjoyed Christmas music and thought of me! You may now go AWWWWWW. God acted through my friend Max. He gave me a break and a stress reliever. He gave me the joy of knowing how great my friends are. So, that was simply enjoyable.
2. Finance. Fact Repeat: I was failing this class. I had to get a 82% on the final in order to pass. I studied SOOOO hard and prayed even harder! I went and I took the test. I thought i did AWFUL! So awful that I thought I was definitely going to have to take the class over. Well, I decided to check my grade. Guess what I got. A 82!!!!!!! I got a EXACT 82%!!! How good is God??? I have no doubt that that was a God moment. That DEFINITELY was not me.
3. Me and my roommates enjoyed a daily rock out to Christmas music. Our favorite song is "All I Want for Christmas is You".
4. One night, me and a handful of my friends went to Kansas City and ice skated. I got to catch up with everyone whom I have not seen in forever. (see picture up above)
I have had so many great laughs this month. The kind of laugh that echoes throughout corridors of the whole town. Belly shaken, breathe gasping, tears rolling, laugh. Christmas! :) I hope that you guys have had such a glorious month and that God has made you laugh and smile as he has me. So, I know this end is pretty fuzzy, but you see I am watching The Producers as I write this so currently I am watching the part of the "Be Gay". Interesting. BUT ANYWAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!